God Never Said Life Would Be Easy

In the midst of another tragedy, the age old question is recirculating: “Why does God let bad things happen?”  If God is real and great and powerful, why does He just sit back and watch as our lives take what seem like meaningless, harsh twists and turns?  Why did He let my grandmother get Alzheimer’s?  Why did He let my friend get murdered?  Why did He allow 9/11?  Why did He let a psychopath go through with a mass shooting?  Why does He allow a woman carry a baby and then let it be born without a heartbeat? Continue reading

The Christian Bully

Before I begin, I would like to say to my fellow bloggers that every once in a while it is really nice to go back to old school pen and paper.  It gives a writer more time to think before writing something she may regret sharing.  How perfect that I find myself without a laptop when wanting to get out my feelings on such a sensitive topic.  As I’m sure any person with a television is aware, gay marriage is now legal in all fifty states of America.  This has disheartened many and has fulfilled dreams that many others never thought possible.  My opinion on the matter is really not what this post is about, but in case you are wondering, I think it is certainly constitutional.   Continue reading